Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Segments! Artwork/Music.

This weeks recording was awesome because we added a few new segments. Now not only does Tiegh have a segment but so do myself and Jesse! When the show from today goes out you'll hear Old News with myself (Kirby) and Rage Time with Jesse! And ofcourse we still have Tiegh Fitzgamer and Tiegh's Comic Corner. And as always let us know about things you want to hear about!

As well we are working on our artwork on the podcast and we are also working our opening music! Watch for this within the next episode or two!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

News Stories

KM: So if you've noticed on our last episode we did a few news stories. Let us know any you wanna hear disucussed. Tag us up on twitter @notahistorypod or email ! Fanks! - Kirby

Not A History Podcast Episode 4

Bear vs. Gorilla who will win? Also nuts are smashed.